Lizard Island, a tropical getaway on the Great Barrier Reef

tropical getaway on the Great Barrier Reef

Lizard Island, the island is located in the northern reaches of the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia. And you'll find tropical resort charge if you want a luxury vacation, or camp. It also offers trips scuba diving trips to North reef.

The island is a tropical getaway on the Great Barrier Reef, a place full of natural beauty and the place where you feel that he really secluded from the world. Lizard Island has a wide fame and universal in the field of diving. There are coral reefs resemble coral gardens that wrap around the island in every place where you will find giant clams and tropical fish in the sea floor, colorful fantastic. Lizard Island is also the closest point to the cod hole, and one of the best dive sites and the most popular on the Great Barrier Reef. Nearby coral reefs have more passion for fishing games in the world. Whether you're a seasoned fishing or novice Those games will see fantastic and has a lot of adventure, you can experience the Black Marlin fishing is an unforgettable experience.

You can rent a luxury cruise ship for a day to see the coral reefs, or if you just want to relax, you can subcontract your package containing beverages and escape to your beach where you can enjoy white sand soft which will not find unmatched anywhere else .

You can reach the island on a private jet and find exclusively for only 80 people, and this exclusive getaway makes a perfect holiday for those who value privacy and elegance in the stunning natural surroundings.

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