Marieta Islands Near Puerto Vallarta and The Hidden Beach

Marieta Islands Near Puerto Vallarta and The Hidden Beach

Marietta Islands, located off the coast of Puerto Vallarta, in Mexico, is currently enjoying a lot of attention by tourists. He has visited many of this site before but could not understand the resounding success factor who participated in the reputation for the island.

It is said that the Marietta Islands in Mexico have been configured for centuries due to volcanic activity. These islands away about an hour boat ride to the west and north-west of the coast of Puerto Vallarta and is visited daily by hundreds of tourists.

The Mexican government began in early 1900 military testing on the island and take advantage of the fact that they were uninhabited. It is said that large-scale bombings during these experiments was a reason for the formation of many of the caves and rocks incredibly.

 The government decided to eventually renamed National Park, and thus protected against any illegal hunting for fish, fishing or human activity. The only human activity that is legal is diving and kayaking tours that occur every day.

Water tunnel in Marietta leads to the hidden beach. It is a cave length from 40 to 50 feet with a pool of about five to six feet of space above the level of the surface of the water to the rock. It is also not considered a tunnel under the water, and there is no need to dive equipment or even to imprison yourself.

Nearest City: Tepic, is the closest to Mexico, making it easy to access. Other cities such as Punta Mita and Zapopan is also fairly close to Puerto Vallarta, which makes it easy to access.

You'll find direct flights available from almost all major cities to Puerto Vallarta at the airport in Diaz Ordaz International Gustav, located just north of Puerto Vallarta. Hidden access to the beach is relatively easy due to the availability of a number of boats that can be booked in advance.

Puerto Vallarta its wonderful weather all year round. However, in the wake of precipitation in the winter, water from the beach becomes exceptionally clear.

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