Blue grotto, you may hear many rumors about this cave, spirits, ghosts and monsters, and later by this rumors Blue Grotto became the most important tourist areas in Italy that attract many tourists.
this is what makes the indigenous people are taking advantage of the importance of the site in attracting tourists, and run their boats to transport tourists to this cave for entertainment and leisure spend.
It's important for any visitor that visit Capri to visit the grotto cave. I will tell you two advises, The first is that if you want to visit the cave, you will have to take into account the payment of money and secondly, you have to visit the cave at peak times and congestion because you will have to wait a long time to take your turn.
The blue cave is one of the most attractive areas in Italy for tourists, and it's a unique experience for each visitors to see the wonderful colors on the water, colors like blue topaz.
The sun rises from the east and sets of the West for that I will advice you that you should visit the cave in the afternoon, In this period, the sun reflected on the water of the cave and you will see really is unprecedented colors.
The island of Capri is Beautiful because it contain the most beautiful oceans in the world, beautiful landscapes and include the most clear turquoise waters all over the world.
You will notice that they are prevented taking pictures inside the cave but you can sneak a little bit and pick up a set of images you do not want to miss the opportunity to take great pictures like those pictures, and if you can not take pictures, I advise you to go and buy a set of souvenir from shops around, where you can remember that brilliant trip in island of Capri with the passage of time and of course it's worth the price.
history of the island
It returns to the days of the ancient Romans. you would find that the nature of the idyllic island inspired the Roman of building villas there style architectural distinct. Among the most famous examples of Villa Roman Emperor Tiberius, who built a villa there and is one of the most attractive places for tourists, as they decorated the cave, with a group of statues of gods Romania.
If you are wondering how to reach there, I would say to you that the solution is the river ferries deployed there to transport tourists from one place to another, the Journey there takes about one hour if you're out of Naples and a half hours if you are out of Amalfi.