South Africa is located at the southern tip of Africa. It is a vast country of landscapes varying widely the city's 11 official languages, as well as a variety of local languages.
If you want to travel to South Africa is a wonderful place to spend the holidays. While you can reach the city in South Africa by plane. South Africa is also a good place to get used to traveling in the region. Of course South Africa is not only a starting point, it is itself a great destination filled with different cultures, flora, fauna and history.
Have been changed many of the names in the region, and also to the streets and buildings in South Africa after the end of the period racism is still held to this day changes. These changes can sometimes lead to confusion as many of these new names are not known yet. We find that the travel guide uses the new official names, but it also mentions previous names if that's possible.
The climate in South Africa ranges from desert and semi-desert in the north-west of the country. The rainy season for most of the country in the summer, except the Western Cape where the rains come in the winter. And evenly distributed throughout the year. Temperatures in the winter hovering around zero, and can be a very hot summer.
National Parks
Where you find the rhino in the reserve in Mpumalanga
South Africa is a paradise for anyone interested in natural history. There are a wide range of animal species (some of which is likely to be dangerous) may be found in gardens, farms, and even on the highway.
Make sure you know and understand the different road signs in South Africa. South Africa was previously used an unusual system of road signs, which combines English and German in design elements. This was a big problem as those banners not designed to accommodate long names of the Afrikaans language.
The result was that the names are often brief. Since 1994, the system was implemented from road signs almost identical to the German system, with minor modifications suited to local conditions. However, many of the old signs are still in use.